Perhaps fittingly, her fight is more comical compared to the Nightmare Fuel in the earlier boss battles, and her final phase is arguably the most mundane in the game. Keep in mind, she can still be tricky to beat, but her attacks are easier to read and not quite as chaotic as the Bullet Hell of some of the other bosses. Considering the unique and impressive boss fights and animation, it has led to at least some reviewers lamenting there wasn't more content.
Awesomeness Withdrawal: How long someone takes to beat the game depends on their skill, but the game only has twenty-eight levels and a quick tutorial � with King Dice's level consisting of anywhere between four to ten separate fights � and a successful run at a given level or fight doesn't take longer than a few minutes.Awesome Music: It's just as fantastic as the aforementioned art.Awesome Bosses: Many bosses have become notable with fans for one reason or another (Werner, Wally, Phantom Express, etc), but King Dice is usually the most fondly remembered thanks to his fight pitting you up against multiple mini-bosses before finally facing him.