It did not take long before I was pumping my self into the wall as he sucked me dry. He worked his tongue all over my dick with a passion that I have never experienced before. I hesitated for a minute and the decided to go for it and stood up and stuck my dick through the hole into a very eager mouth. The next time that I went I began my routine and noticed that a finger was gently circling the hole in the wall. It was quite a turn on as I came quickly while he was watching and then I got up and left for the day.
One day on about my third visit I noticed that someone was watching me as I jerked through the glory hole. I wrote about it several years ago so check it out too if you have a chance.Ī couple of months ago I started going into one of the local Atlanta XXX bookstores and watching video in the private booths while I jacked off. Ever since then I have gone through periods where I really wanted to experiment with another man again. My only other sexual contact with another man happened back in 1985 before I got married.